With over 20 years of experience in counselling and a background in Islamic studies, Ustaz Yusri has an edge in providing the best  Islamic religious counselling service that balances modern counselling techniques and guidance from the Quran and Sunnah, as well as lessons from the Sirah of Rasulullah s.a.w.

The experience gained from working at the mosque, being involved with the Syariah Court, Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM), Office of the Mufti (Muis) as well as the Religious Rehabilitation Group (RRG) and the prisons, has helped Ustaz Yusri to widen his perspective in helping clients with diverse backgrounds, situations and challenges. These include youth clients, married couples, as well as individuals with their own set of unique issues. Client confidentiality will be protected, and clients will be helped to work through their challenges through intervention plans that are agreed upon by the client themselves, based on their specific and unique needs.

Aside from his religious and community works, Ustaz Yusri has a particular interest in supporting people who are struggling with family and relationship issues. He provides religious counselling to individual adults, adolescents, couples and families on various issues ranging from including from marital problems, negative thoughts, stress, identity issues, relationship and family issues. He adopts an integrated religious, person-centred and family system therapeutic approach to his counselling, using concepts from cognitive behavioural, solution-focused and the lesson from the Quranic and Sirah where appropriate.

Clients will have the option to choose between in-person counselling sessions or virtually via Zoom. Each session will last between 45 mins to 1.5 hours, depending on the complexity of the cases. There are no problems that cannot be overcome. We are here to help you work through your challenges together. Contact us with any questions and to set up an appointment.

For enquiry on the Islamic religious counselling consultation services, please contact me via email at abahyasir@gmail.com or message me at +65 8362 0211 (Whatsapp Text Only)

Islamic Religious Counselling